Newly erected Peace Poke in the Cape Charles Central Park.
Newly erected Peace Poke in the Cape Charles Central Park.
Newly erected Peace Poke in the Cape Charles Central Park.
Kiptopeake Native Garden
Kegotank Elementary’s Stem and Robotics Camp visit to New Roots – 8/05/24
Kegotank Elementary’s Stem and Robotics Camp visit to New Roots – 8/05/24
Kegotank Elementary’s Stem and Robotics Camp visit to New Roots – 8/05/24
Native American kids club 8/01/24 – The tribe shared their rich culture with the children including a traditional Pow Wow dance, tools and clothing made from various parts of animals, the significance of dreamcatchers, and the cleansing spirituality of lifting prayers in a smudge ritual. Afterwards, the children enjoyed a succotash made with crops from the 3 sisters garden (squash, green beans, and corn).
Native American kids club 8/01/24 – The tribe shared their rich culture with the children including a traditional Pow Wow dance, tools and clothing made from various parts of animals, the significance of dreamcatchers, and the cleansing spirituality of lifting prayers in a smudge ritual. Afterwards, the children enjoyed a succotash made with crops from the 3 sisters garden (squash, green beans, and corn).
Native American kids club 8/01/24 – The tribe shared their rich culture with the children including a traditional Pow Wow dance, tools and clothing made from various parts of animals, the significance of dreamcatchers, and the cleansing spirituality of lifting prayers in a smudge ritual. Afterwards, the children enjoyed a succotash made with crops from the 3 sisters garden (squash, green beans, and corn).
Native American kids club 8/01/24 – The tribe shared their rich culture with the children including a traditional Pow Wow dance, tools and clothing made from various parts of animals, the significance of dreamcatchers, and the cleansing spirituality of lifting prayers in a smudge ritual. Afterwards, the children enjoyed a succotash made with crops from the 3 sisters garden (squash, green beans, and corn).
Native American kids club 8/01/24 – The tribe shared their rich culture with the children including a traditional Pow Wow dance, tools and clothing made from various parts of animals, the significance of dreamcatchers, and the cleansing spirituality of lifting prayers in a smudge ritual. Afterwards, the children enjoyed a succotash made with crops from the 3 sisters garden (squash, green beans, and corn).
Native American kids club 8/01/24 – The tribe shared their rich culture with the children including a traditional Pow Wow dance, tools and clothing made from various parts of animals, the significance of dreamcatchers, and the cleansing spirituality of lifting prayers in a smudge ritual. Afterwards, the children enjoyed a succotash made with crops from the 3 sisters garden (squash, green beans, and corn).
July 2024 CSB Gardens
July 2024 CSB Gardens
July 2024 CSB Gardens
Pictures from the July 18 Garden Club event at New Roots. 4H director from the Northampton Extension Office, Erin Morgan, prepared smoothies and parfaits using fruits and vegetables from the garden.
Pictures from the July 18 Garden Club event at New Roots. 4H director from the Northampton Extension Office, Erin Morgan, prepared smoothies and parfaits using fruits and vegetables from the garden.
Pictures from the July 18 Garden Club event at New Roots. 4H director from the Northampton Extension Office, Erin Morgan, prepared smoothies and parfaits using fruits and vegetables from the garden.
Pictures from the July 18 Garden Club event at New Roots. 4H director from the Northampton Extension Office, Erin Morgan, prepared smoothies and parfaits using fruits and vegetables from the garden.
Pictures from the July 18 Garden Club event at New Roots. 4H director from the Northampton Extension Office, Erin Morgan, prepared smoothies and parfaits using fruits and vegetables from the garden.
Pictures from the July 18 Garden Club event at New Roots. 4H director from the Northampton Extension Office, Erin Morgan, prepared smoothies and parfaits using fruits and vegetables from the garden.
Pictures from the July 18 Garden Club event at New Roots. 4H director from the Northampton Extension Office, Erin Morgan, prepared smoothies and parfaits using fruits and vegetables from the garden.
Pictures from the July 18 Garden Club event at New Roots. 4H director from the Northampton Extension Office, Erin Morgan, prepared smoothies and parfaits using fruits and vegetables from the garden.
Virginia Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners are trained volunteer educators who provide science-based horticultural knowledge to our community. Members of the Eastern Shore of Virginia Master Gardener (ESVMG) serve Accomack and Northampton Counties on the Eastern Shore.
What We Do
We educate the public to improve and sustain the quality of horticultural practices in these ways:
answering individuals’ gardening questions
a weekly radio program of gardening interest
conducting plant clinics and educational forums
beautifying the community through demonstration gardens
performing other related services and activities to sustain the quality of horticultural practices
Become An Extension Master Gardener (EMG)
Join a dedicated team of more than 5,000 volunteers who work in their communities to promote research-based horticulture. The Master Gardener Program provides gardeners with intensive education in the field of horticulture. Trainees who complete the program are certified as Extension Master Gardeners by the Accomack County Extension Service and become members of the Eastern Shore of Virginia Master Gardener (ESVMG) unit.
To become an EMG, trainees must complete 50 hours of education, beginning in January each year, which include classroom instruction, field trips, and hands-on learning. To remain active, EMGs must complete 20 hours of volunteer service and 8 hours of continuing education annually.
If you are interested in learning more about how to become a Master Gardener here on the Eastern Shore please visit our Get Involved page to find out more.
If you are a person with a disability and desire any assistive devices, services or other accommodations to participate in this activity, please contact Theresa Long Pittman at 757-787-1361 ext. 14 during business hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. to discuss accommodations 5 days prior to the event. *TDD number is (800) 828-1120.
Virginia Cooperative Extension programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, veteran status, or any other basis protected by law. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia State University, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating. Edwin J. Jones, Director, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg; M. Ray McKinnie, Administrator, 1890 Extension Program, Virginia State University, Petersburg.